Apprentice salaries and costs

Apprentice salaries and costs

The Flexi Job Apprenticeship Scheme will pay the Apprenticeship Salary through the schemes payroll system; however, these will also be recharged to you.

Salary will be agreed through the job evaluation process so it is essential that all stakeholders work together to input into the design of the job descriptions. 

In some cases, depending on the apprenticeship, the apprentices are paid a band below their eventual ‘qualified’ band or may be paid under Annex 21.

Annex 21 pay arrangements are as follows:

Duration of training% of band given as annual salary
Up to 12 months prior to the completion of training75% of pay band maximum of the qualified rate
More than 1 but less than 2 years prior to completion of training70% of pay band maximum of the qualified rate
More than 2 but less that 3 years prior to completion of training65% of pay band maximum of the qualified rate
More than 3 years from completion of training60% of the pay band maximum of the qualified rate

How much will the training cost?

If the apprentice meets the eligibility criteria the apprenticeship training costs can be fully funded. Your dedicated manager can advise you regarding the best option for you. At most you would be required to pay the co-investment cost of 5% towards the total training costs.

Flexible Apprenticeship Training Scheme costs:

The cost of using the Flexible Apprenticeship Scheme is made up of:

  • The weekly wage agreed for the apprentice. This must be at least the current national minimum hourly rate of pay for apprentices.  This would be discussed and agreed in advance.
  • An additional 0.5% of the total wage costs of your apprentice to support additional apprenticeship levy costs incurred by the Flexi Job Apprenticeship Scheme.
  • If alternative funding is not available to cover the training costs you may also be required to pay the 5% co-investment costs for the apprenticeship training.
  • An annual management fee will be paid to the Flexible Apprenticeship Scheme (There will be no charge in year 1. This charge is made to enable the Flexible Apprenticeship Scheme to ensure the smooth running of the scheme and the placement. If the remaining time on the apprenticeship is less than 12-months, the fee would be applied pro-rata for the additional months
  • VAT charged at the current rate
  • Charges for a DBS check and Occupational Health check if the host employer requires these Your named manager will be happy to discuss these with you in detail.

In addition, you will be recharged for Travel Expenses outside of attending apprenticeship specific training sessions.

How are the fees paid?

At the commencement of the agreement, the host employer pays fees 3 months in arrears for the duration of the Apprentice’s time with that organisation.

Is there any funding available to help with the cost?

If the apprentice is aged between 16-18 years of age, under 25 with a EHC plan or has been in the care of the local authority, the employer and training provider will be given £1,000 each to support the apprentice. This funding will be paid directly to the training provider who will pass £1,000 on to the employer.

Employers who are part of a Primary Care Network (PCN) may be able to access the ARRS scheme funding if they want to use the flexi jobs apprenticeship scheme to recruit a new Trainee Nursing Associate as an additional staff member within their establishment.  There is a maximum reimbursable amount per year a PCN can claim for these additional roles so employers wishing to benefit from this funding will need to consult with their PCN workforce lead.

Some apprenticeships attract a HEE training grant, such as the TNA and ACP apprenticeships. Currently an employer can apply for a TNA training grant of £8,000 over the duration of the apprenticeship (available nationally). A training grant of £10,000 per year for ACP Apprentices is currently available for North East and North Cumbria employers only.