About the scheme

About the scheme

Flexible Apprenticeship Scheme

We want to make greater use of apprenticeships.

Through the Flexible Apprenticeship Scheme we plan to provide great opportunities for apprentices to learn valuable skills on the job, with high quality training, whilst also finding a solution to some of the challenges faced throughout our system and build a diverse talent pipeline for the future. 

The scheme is designed to help employers overcome structural barriers by employing above organisational level, which enables our apprentices to move between employers during their apprenticeship to go where they can provide necessary support to the system. 

This enables us to work system-wide to develop apprentices quickly for areas facing challenges, whilst providing high quality and broad training experience through Health Education England and reducing administrative work for placement employers by employing through the scheme. 

Placement employers could be any health and care organisation interested in providing a workplace base for the apprentices, either for a set period of time or for the duration of their programme.  

The scheme aims to support gaps in workforce whilst simultaneously supporting new entrants to join the health and care workforce. 


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Host employers

Are you a potential host employer and want to find out what the scheme can do for you?